
28.07.17 | STUDIOOSS talk @spacemob

On July 27, STUDIOOSS gave this talk to a full house at spacemob in Singapore. Thanks to all who were able to attend and to the fab spacemob folks for the invitation.

Brand Identity: Tools for Crafting Who You Are
Building a successful brand requires being able to answer many important questions: what is your product, who are your competitors, and much more. Brand identity often falls last in this process, yet it is one of the most fundamental aspects of your business. Brand identity goes far beyond your name and logo—your brand identity informs everything you do. Your brand identity is what your consumer sees, touches, hears, and feels. In this talk, STUDIOOSS co-founders will be drawing on their fifteen years of experience in design and branding in New York City to show you concrete tools of the trade for answering the question: Who are you? With these tools, you will be better equipped to develop and craft a meaningful, robust, and cohesive brand identity which is core to your company’s success.